All you need to know about EFT tapping

Cover the foundations of everything you need to know about using EFT Tapping.

What is tapping therapy?

Tapping or tapping therapy is also known as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).

It’s a powerful self-help method you can do for yourself which is a proven holistic healing technique to effectively resolve a range of issues including stress, anxiety, phobias, emotional disorders, chronic pain, addiction, weight control, and limiting beliefs – just to name a few.

How does tapping work?

Based on the combined principles of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology, you use your fingertips on meridian endpoints of the body, while focusing on negative emotions or physical sensations.

This process helps to rapidly reduce cortisol levels, calming the nervous system and rewiring the brain to respond in healthier ways and restore the body’s balance of energy.

Where are the EFT points?

The points used on the body are – Side of hand (KC), top of the head (TH), eyebrow (EB), side of the eye (SE), under the eye (UE), under the nose (UN), chin (CH), collarbone (CB), under the arm (UA) and ribs (R)

How do you tap?

Below is the order of steps to take when tapping:

  1. Identify the issue you would like to work on. I.e. pain or emotion
  2. Score the intensity of the problem on a scale of 0 – 10
  3. Begin by tapping on your “karate chop point” (see diagram)
  4. Say out loud Even though I have this (insert problem here) , I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Repeat x 2
  5. Using a short reminder phrase (i.e. This throbbing headache), tap each point approx.
    7 times, starting from the top of the head. Tap on each point in the order they appear in the diagram down the body, finishing up with the ribs.
  6. Repeat tapping sequence (optional to include 9 Gamut)
  7. Score the intensity of the problem on a scale of 0 – 10. After tapping, the problem could have:

Disappeared completely – well done!

Reduced in intensity – do more rounds of tapping, adjusting the wording
appropriately (e.g. “even though I still feel a bit sad or I have this remaining
sadness, I deeply and completely love and accept myself”)

Changed to something else or in the case of a physical pain, moved to
elsewhere in the body (do further rounds of tapping, adjusting the wording

Increased in intensity – this is relevant feedback and again alter your wording
to fit what you are feeling as you do further rounds of tapping.

8. Stop when you feel relief and ready to move on.

What are the benefits of tapping?

Tapping offers a simple process that leaves you experiencing a sense of calm, peace, joy and freedom. It also offers insights and clarity on any issues you may be experiencing.

Some of the benefits of tapping include:

  • Rapidly reduce cortisol levels
  • Reduce overwhelm and calm the mind
  • Reset your nervous system
  • Allow you to see things differently

It’s fast, painless and effective treatment for many ailments, self-doubts, and diseases. It’s also easy to learn and can be used as a self-help tool which at times can be incredibly effective.

However, there are times when you can not get beyond issues alone and this is when it is much more beneficial to have an EFT practitioner guide you safely and gently to the issues that you may have been avoiding addressing for years especially if trauma is present.

Is there proof that tapping works?

Tapping practitioners experience first-hand the effectiveness of EFT by observing the incredible shifts and releases in clients. Visit this page for testimonials from Happisoul clients.

Reading about the results people have had from tapping therapy may be proof enough for some, however there has also been numerous studies in recent years showing scientifically how tapping affects the body.

In 2012, researchers found that EFT “consistently demonstrated strong effect sizes and other positive statistical results that far exceed chance after relatively few treatment sessions.”

Read more about the evidence HERE.

Where can I learn to tap?

THIS VIDEO offers a simple explanation of tapping. HappiSoul’s FREE Online Tapping Group with Alison is a great way to get started and browse the video library to learn the basics and follow taps relating to the issues you want to focus on.

Have any questions? Contact Alison or book in a FREE 15 minute chat HERE.